Gastrointestinal Cancer Surgery in Delhi

Dr. Neeraj Goel is the first GI Surgeon in East Delhi and adjoining NCR to provide comprehensive GI surgical and GI Oncologic care.

Stomach Cancer Surgeon In Delhi

Dr. Neeraj Goel is the first GI Surgeon in East Delhi and adjoining NCR to provide comprehensive GI surgical and GI Oncologic care.

Cancer Surgeon in Delhi

Dr. Neeraj Goel is the first GI Surgeon in East Delhi and adjoining NCR to provide comprehensive GI surgical and GI Oncologic care.

Gallbladder Stone Surgery in Delhi

Dr. Neeraj Goel is the first GI Surgeon in East Delhi and adjoining NCR to provide comprehensive GI surgical and GI Oncologic care.

Gastrointestinal Cancer Doctor In Delhi

Dr. Neeraj Goel is the first GI Surgeon in East Delhi and adjoining NCR to provide comprehensive GI surgical and GI Oncologic care.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Gallbladder Stone Treatment in Delhi - Insights and Expertise of Dr. Neeraj Goel

Gallbladder stones, also known as biliary stones, are a common medical condition that affects many individuals. When seeking treatment for gallbladder stones in Delhi, it is important to find a skilled and experienced doctor who can provide effective care. This blog aims to shed light on gallbladder stone treatment in Delhi and highlight the expertise of Dr. Neeraj Goel, a prominent doctor in this field.

Gallbladder Stone Treatment in Delhi:
Delhi offers a range of options for gallbladder stone treatment, and it is crucial to find the right doctor who can provide appropriate care. Online platforms like Practo and Credihealth offer convenient ways to find doctors specializing in gallbladder stone treatment in Delhi. These platforms allow patients to book appointments, view fees, and read reviews from other patients to make informed decisions about their healthcare.

The expertise of Dr. Neeraj Goel:
Dr. Neeraj Goel is a renowned doctor specializing in gallbladder stone treatment in Delhi. While specific information about Dr. Neeraj Goel's background and qualifications is not available in the provided search results, his name is mentioned in relation to gallbladder stone treatment in Delhi. Patients seeking treatment for gallbladder stones can consider consulting with Dr. Neeraj Goel based on his reputation and expertise in this field.

Dr. Neeraj Goel is the first GI Surgeon in East Delhi & NCR to provide comprehensive GI surgical and GI Oncologic care. He is trained in GI Surgery at the coveted GB Pant Hospital. He has also done his fellowship in HPB Surgery from South Korea. He performs all kinds of laparoscopic GI surgical procedures. He is a trained Robotic Surgeon.

Professional Qualifications
Dr. Neeraj Goel started his medical professional journey at University College of Medical Science. He did his post-graduation (MS) from Hardinge Medical College. He has done his postdoctoral degree(MCh) in GI Surgery from GB Pant Hospital.

He is the first GI Surgeon In East Delhi & adjoining NCR to start full-fledged GI Surgical Services
At Pushpanjali Crossley Hospital (Now Max Hospital). Presently he is working as Director & Senior Consultant in Dharamshila Narayana Superspciality Hospital, Delhi. He is the only surgeon in East Delhi and NCR and amongst few in the Country to perform complex surgery of Cytoreduction with HIPEC (Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy) for disseminated peritoneal Cancers. He is performing full array of advanced Minimal Access GI and HPB Surgery. He has worked as Senior Consultant at Max Super specially in Hospitals.

Choosing the Right Doctor:
When selecting a doctor for gallbladder stone treatment in Delhi, it is essential to consider factors such as the doctor's experience, qualifications, patient reviews, and expertise in the specific condition. It is recommended to consult multiple sources, including online platforms, hospital websites, and personal recommendations, to gather comprehensive information about the doctor's background and track record.

Gallbladder stone treatment in Delhi requires the expertise of a skilled doctor who can provide appropriate care and guidance. Platforms like Practo and Credihealth offer a convenient way to find doctors specializing in gallbladder stone treatment in Delhi, read patient reviews, and book appointments. While Dr. Neeraj Goel's specific background and qualifications are not available in the provided search results, his name is associated with gallbladder stone treatment in Delhi. Patients are encouraged to conduct further research, including consulting with multiple doctors and considering personal recommendations, to make an informed decision about their gallbladder stone treatment in Delhi.

Name: Gastro Delhi
Address: D-1, Hakikat Rai Rd, Block D, Adarsh Nagar, Delhi, 110033
Phone: +91-9667365169, +91-9599294453

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Dr. Neeraj Goel - A Leading Colorectal Surgeon in Delhi, India

When it comes to colorectal surgery, finding a skilled and experienced surgeon is crucial for optimal treatment outcomes. In Delhi, India, Dr. Neeraj Goel has established himself as a prominent colorectal surgeon. With expertise in laparoscopic gastrointestinal surgery, colorectal surgery, and various other specialized procedures, Dr. Goel offers comprehensive care to patients with colorectal conditions. In this blog, we will delve into Dr. Neeraj Goel's background, his areas of specialization, and the exceptional services he provides as a colorectal surgeon in Delhi.

MS, MCh(GI Surgery)
Sr. Consultant GI Oncology & GI Surgery

Dr. Neeraj Goel's Background and Qualifications:
Dr. Neeraj Goel is a highly regarded colorectal surgeon in Delhi, India. He holds an MBBS degree and has completed his DNB in General Surgery, making him proficient in general surgical techniques. Dr. Goel has also pursued specialized training in gastrointestinal surgery and GI oncology, further enhancing his expertise in the field. He is a fellowship holder of the Association of Colon & Rectal Surgeons of India (FACRSI) and the Association of Indian Surgeons (FAIS), highlighting his commitment to continuous professional development.

Expertise in Colorectal Surgery:
Dr. Neeraj Goel specializes in various aspects of colorectal surgery, providing advanced treatment options to patients. His expertise includes laparoscopic gastrointestinal surgery, laparoscopic esophageal surgery, laparoscopic pancreatic surgery, laparoscopic hepatobiliary surgery, and cytoreductive surgery. With a focus on colorectal conditions, Dr. Goel offers specialized treatment for colorectal cancers, gastrointestinal cancers, and gallbladder stones. Patients seeking surgical intervention for colorectal disorders can rely on Dr. Neeraj Goel's comprehensive approach and extensive experience in the field.

Recognition and Contributions:
Dr. Neeraj Goel's dedication and proficiency have earned him recognition as one of the top colorectal surgeons in Delhi. He is associated with reputable medical institutions and hospitals in the region, contributing to the advancement of colorectal surgery. Dr. Goel's commitment to his patients and the field of colorectal surgery is evident through his association with Gastro Delhi, a leading medical facility specializing in gastrointestinal treatments. His contributions and expertise have positively impacted the lives of numerous patients in need of colorectal surgical interventions.

Dr. Neeraj Goel, a distinguished colorectal surgeon in Delhi, India, brings extensive training, experience, and expertise to the field of colorectal surgery. With his qualifications, specialized training, and commitment to continuous professional development, Dr. Goel is well-equipped to diagnose, treat, and manage a wide range of colorectal conditions. His proficiency in laparoscopic gastrointestinal surgery, colorectal surgery, and related procedures sets him apart as a reliable and sought-after specialist in Delhi. Patients in need of colorectal surgical interventions can place their trust in the skillful hands of Dr. Neeraj Goel for personalized and comprehensive care.

Name: Gastro Delhi
Address: D-1, Hakikat Rai Rd, Block D, Adarsh Nagar, Delhi, 110033
Phone: +91-9667365169, +91-9599294453

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Comprehensive Guide to Gallbladder Stone Surgery in Delhi: Expert Insights and Best Practices for a Successful Procedure

When it comes to addressing gallbladder stones, seeking the expertise of a skilled surgeon is crucial for a successful outcome. In Delhi, patients have the advantage of accessing advanced gallbladder stone surgery performed by experienced surgeons. In this SEO-friendly blog, we will explore the topic of gallbladder stone surgery in Delhi, providing comprehensive insights, expert advice, and highlighting the expertise of renowned surgeon Dr. Neeraj Goel.

Understanding Gallbladder Stones and the Need for Surgery:
Gallbladder stones, also known as cholelithiasis, are hardened deposits that form in the gallbladder. These stones can cause severe pain, nausea, and other digestive discomforts. When conservative treatments fail to alleviate symptoms or if complications arise, surgery becomes necessary. Gallbladder stone surgery aims to remove the gallstones and, in some cases, the entire gallbladder, through minimally invasive or open surgical procedures.

Dr. Neeraj Goel: Leading the Way in Advanced Gallbladder Stone Surgery in Delhi:
Dr. Neeraj Goel is a highly experienced and skilled surgeon specializing in gallbladder stone surgery in Delhi. With over 10 years of expertise, Dr. Goel has earned a reputation for providing exceptional surgical care. He stays up-to-date with the latest advancements in surgical techniques and utilizes state-of-the-art technology to ensure optimal patient outcomes. Patients seeking gallbladder stone surgery in Delhi can trust in Dr. Goel's expertise and compassionate approach to surgical care.

Key Considerations for Gallbladder Stone Surgery in Delhi:

a. Diagnosis: Accurate diagnosis through imaging tests and consultation with a specialist is crucial to determine the presence and severity of gallbladder stones.

b. Treatment Options: Depending on the patient's condition, the surgeon will recommend the most appropriate treatment approach, which may involve laparoscopic or robotic surgery techniques.

c. Preoperative Preparation: Patients will receive instructions on dietary restrictions, medication management, and necessary tests to ensure a smooth surgical procedure.

d. Surgical Procedure: Gallbladder stone surgery can be performed using minimally invasive techniques, such as laparoscopy, or traditional open surgery. The surgeon will choose the best approach based on the patient's condition.

e. Postoperative Care: Following surgery, patients will receive guidance on pain management, incision care, dietary adjustments, and the gradual resumption of daily activities.

f. Recovery and Follow-up: Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor the patient's recovery, address any concerns, and ensure optimal healing.

Dr. Neeraj Goel
MS, MCh(GI Surgery)
Sr. Consultant GI Oncology & GI Surgery

Background and Credentials:
Dr. Neeraj Goel holds an impressive set of qualifications and credentials that highlight his dedication to providing exceptional surgical care. He completed his MS and MCh (GI Surgery) and is a senior consultant in GI oncology and GI surgery. Dr. Goel received specialized training in GI surgery from the esteemed GB Pant Hospital in Delhi, further solidifying his expertise in the field.

Expertise in GI Surgery and GI Oncology:
As a leading GI surgeon in Delhi, Dr. Neeraj Goel specializes in a wide range of GI surgical procedures. He offers comprehensive care for various gastrointestinal conditions, including pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, liver diseases, gallbladder disorders, and more. Dr. Goel's extensive experience and expertise in GI surgery have enabled him to establish a track record of successfully treating complex diseases.

Pioneer in Robotic Surgery:
Dr. Neeraj Goel is at the forefront of medical advancements, particularly in the realm of robotic surgery. Robotic surgery is a cutting-edge technique that utilizes advanced robotic systems to enhance surgical precision and provide minimally invasive procedures. Dr. Goel has embraced robotic surgery as a step forward from regular surgeries, enabling him to offer his patients enhanced surgical outcomes, reduced recovery times, and improved patient experiences. By introducing and utilizing robotic surgery techniques, Dr. Goel has played a pivotal role in advancing surgical care in Delhi.

Patient-Centric Approach:
Dr. Neeraj Goel is known for his patient-centric approach to medical care. He prioritizes effective communication, compassion, and personalized attention to ensure that his patients receive the highest quality of care throughout their treatment journey. Dr. Goel believes in fostering a strong doctor-patient relationship built on trust and understanding, enabling him to tailor treatment plans to meet individual patient needs.

Gallbladder stone surgery in Delhi provides patients with access to highly skilled surgeons like Dr. Neeraj Goel, who specialize in advanced surgical techniques for the treatment of gallbladder stones.

Call Now: +91-9599294453, +91-9599294453

Friday, May 19, 2023

Choosing the Best Cancer Surgeon in Delhi: Expertise, Care, and Innovation

Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, develops in the cells lining the stomach. It is a relatively common form of cancer worldwide, although its incidence varies across different regions. Stomach cancer often develops slowly over several years and may not cause noticeable symptoms in the early stages. Here's an overview of stomach cancer:

Types of Stomach Cancer: There are different types of stomach cancer, including:

  1. Adenocarcinoma: This is the most common type of stomach cancer and develops in the glandular cells of the stomach lining. It accounts for the majority of stomach cancer cases.

  2. Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST): GIST is a rare type of stomach cancer that originates in the specialized cells of the stomach wall called interstitial cells of Cajal. These tumors can also occur in other parts of the digestive tract.

  3. Lymphoma: Lymphoma refers to cancer that originates in the lymphatic system. While lymphoma can occur in various parts of the body, it can also develop in the stomach.

  4. Carcinoid Tumors: Carcinoid tumors are a type of neuroendocrine tumor that can develop in the stomach, although they are relatively rare.

Risk Factors: Several factors can increase the risk of developing stomach cancer, including:

  1. Helicobacter pylori infection: Chronic infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is a major risk factor for stomach cancer.

  2. Age and gender: Stomach cancer is more common in older adults, with the risk increasing after the age of 50. Men are also more prone to developing stomach cancer than women.

  3. Diet: A diet high in smoked, salted, or pickled foods, as well as low consumption of fruits and vegetables, is associated with an increased risk of stomach cancer.

  4. Smoking: Tobacco use, including smoking cigarettes or cigars, is linked to a higher risk of stomach cancer.

  5. Family history: Having close relatives with stomach cancer or certain hereditary conditions, sucas hereditary diffuse gastric cancer syndrome, can increase the risk.

Symptoms: In the early stages, stomach cancer may not cause noticeable symptoms. As the cancer progresses, the following symptoms may occur:

  1. Abdominal pain or discomfort
  2. Indigestion or heartburn
  3. Loss of appetite
  4. Unexplained weight loss
  5. Feeling full after eating small amounts of food
  6. Nausea and vomiting
  7. Difficulty swallowing
  8. Blood in the stool or black, tarry stools
  9. Fatigue or weakness

It's important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by other conditions. If any of these symptoms persist or cause concern, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

Cancer surgeon in Delhi 
Dr Neeraj Goel is the first GI Surgeon in the East Delhi & NCR to provide comprehensive GI surgical and GI Oncologic care. He is trained in GI Surgery from coveted GB Pant Hospital. He has also done his fellowship in HPB Surgery from South Korea. He performs all kind of laparoscopic GI surgical procedures. He is a trained Robotic Surgeon.

Treatment: The treatment of stomach cancer depends on the stage of cancer, overall health of the patient, and other factors. Treatment options may include:

  1. Surgery: Surgical removal of the tumor and affected parts of the stomach is a common approach for early-stage stomach cancer.

  2. Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells or slow down their growth. It can be used before surgery to shrink tumors, after surgery to destroy remaining cancer cells, or as the primary treatment for advanced-stage cancer.

  3. Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy uses high-energy beams to kill cancer cells or shrink tumors. It may be used before or after surgery, or in combination with chemotherapy.

  4. Targeted therapy: Targeted therapy drugs specifically target certain molecules or pathways involved in cancer growth. They can be used in cases where specific molecular targets are identified.

  5. Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy helps to stimulate the body's immune system to recognize and fight cancer cells. It may be used.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Colorectal surgeon in Delhi

Colorectal Surgeries

What Are Colorectal Diseases?

Colon and rectum combine to form the bowel. The purpose of the bowel is to eliminate the waste material after digestion. There are several conditions that affect the functioning of colon and rectum. If the disease is confined to colon, the condition is known as colon disease. Disease confined only to rectum is known as rectal disease. However, some diseases affect both the colon and the rectum. Such diseases are termed as colorectal diseases. Some of the examples of colorectal diseases include colorectal cancer, colon polyps, Ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease. The patients with colorectal diseases experience several symptoms. These are abdominal pain, blood in the stool, rectal bleeding, and prolong constipation and diarrhea.

Colorectal Surgery In Delhi

What Are The Causes Of Colorectal Diseases?

There are several causes of colorectal diseases. Some of them are:

  • Age: Although colorectal disease may occur at any age; however people above the age of 50 years are at increased risk for developing colorectal diseases.
  • Family history: Various colorectal diseases run in families. Examples of such diseases are colon polyps, and colon cancer.
  • Inactive lifestyle: The risk of colorectal diseases increases with sedentary and inactive lifestyle. Such people have poor bowel movement. Thus, the waste material remains in the colon for prolong period and causes diseases.
  • Smoking and intake of alcohol: Smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol increases the risk of colon polyps and colon cancer.
  • Genetic mutations: Mutations in the genes may results in the development of colon polyps. Such polyps have high risk of progressing to colon cancer.
  • Obesity: People who are obese and overweight have the increased tendency of excessive cellular growth in the colon. This may result in colorectal diseases.

When The Doctor Recommend Colorectal Surgeries?

There are several conditions when the doctor recommend colorectal surgeries. Some of the conditions are:

  • Hemorrhoids: Patients suffering from hemorrhoids have swollen veins either inside or outside the rectum. The doctor may recommend hemorrhoidectomy (removal of hemorrhoids) when non-invasive methods are not useful.
  • Colon and rectal cancer: The doctor recommend the patient to undergo surgery in case of colon and rectal cancer. During the surgery, the doctor may remove one (sigmoidectomy) or multiple (Abdominoperineal resection) organs.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease: In advanced inflammatory bowel disease, when there is a damage of the lining of the gastrointestinal tract due to chronic inflammation, the doctor may recommend surgery. The patient may undergo colectomy in case the inflammation is confined to colon. However, if there is also a damage to rectum due to inflammation, the doctor may perform proctocolectomy.
  • Other diseases: Other disease that requires surgical interventions includes Cecal volvulus, Diverticular disease, Ischemic colitis, Precancerous condition of colon, and Colon Trauma.

What Are The Various Types Of Colorectal Surgeries Available In Delhi?

Almost all the colorectal cancer are available at various hospitals in Delhi. You should consult with the best Following are some of the colorectal surgeries available in Delhi:

  • Right hemicolectomy: The procedure for removing the colon from one side is known as hemicolectomy. During the right hemicolectomy, the doctor removes the right side of the colon and joins the remaining part of the colon with small intestine. The doctor performs this procedure in case of colon cancer or severe damage to the colon. If the patient is suffering from severe appendicitis that has affected the colon, the doctor may also remove the colon along with the appendix.
  • Left hemicolectomy: During the left hemicolectomy, the surgeon removes the left cancerous or damaged part of the colon and joins the remaining part. The doctor may also remove the surrounding lymph nodes if the cancer has been suspected to invade the lymph nodes. The surgery takes around two to four hours. However, it may take longer if you have any underlying medical complications.
  • Sigmoidectomy: Sigmoid section is the terminal part of the colon nearest to the rectum and anus. Procedure to remove this part of the colon is known as sigmoidectomy. Doctor may perform this procedure in several diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease. The doctor removes the damaged part of the sigmoid section and rejoins the healthy part of the colon to the rectum.
  • Low anterior resection: The doctor performs the lower anterior resection surgery to treat the rectal cancer. During this surgery, the doctor removes the cancerous part of the rectum and joints the healthier rectum with the colon. During the open surgery, your doctor makes one long incision on your abdomen to gain access to the rectum and remove the cancerous part of rectum.
  • Abdominoperineal resection: This is a major surgery during which the doctor removes the rectum, anus, and sigmoid colon. The doctor performs this procedure in case of cancer that spread to these organs. The doctor creates the stoma after the surgery. After few days your digestive system becomes active again.

How to Prepare For Colorectal Surgeries?

The preparation for the surgeries depends upon the type of colorectal surgery. You should follow all the instructions of your doctor before surgery. The doctor may perform comprehensive evaluation prior to surgery and your vital parameters are analyzed. Inform the doctor about the medicines you are taking. The doctor instructs you not to eat or drink 12 hours prior to surgery.

How Is The Recovery After Colorectal Surgeries?

Once the surgery is completed, you will be shifted to the ICU for monitoring. Once your vitals are stable, you will be shifted to the general ward. The doctors may allow you to drink fluid 24 hours after the surgery. The catheter is removed two-three days after the surgery. The doctors may encourage you to walk next day after surgery. You may discharge from the hospital within four to five days after the surgery. The doctor may call you for the follow-up fifteen days after the discharge.

What Are The Complications Of Colorectal Surgeries?

Colorectal surgery is a major surgery. You may have complications during or after the surgery. Some of the complications include infection, bleeding, loss of muscle function in the colon, and leakage from the connected colon.

How Do I Get More Information About The Colorectal Surgery?

To get more information about the diseases or the surgical procedure, we request you to Contact us.

Call Now: +91-9599294453, +91-9599294453

You can also search for:
HIPEC Surgeon in Delhi,
Gastrointestinal Cancer surgery in Delhi,
Colorectal Surgery in Delhi,
Laparoscopic Esophageal Surgery in Delhi,
Laparoscopic Pancreatic Surgery in Delhi,
Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery in Delhi,
Laparoscopic Hepatobiliary Surgery in Delhi,
GI Surgeon in Delhi,
Stomach cancer treatment in Delhi,
Gallbladder stone Surgery in Delhi,
Robotic surgery in Delhi,
Esophagus Surgery in Delhi,
Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal Surgery in Delhi,
Colorectal surgeon in Delhi,
Pancreatic treatment in Delhi,
Cancer surgeon in Delhi,
Esophagus Surgeon in Delhi,
Robotic Surgeon in Delhi,
HIPEC Surgery in Delhi,
Laparoscopic Hepatobiliary Surgeon in Delhi,
Stomach Cancer Surgeon in Delhi,
Gallbladder stone Treatment in Delhi,
Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in Delhi,
Pancreatic Surgery  in Delhi
Gastrointestinal Cancer Doctor in Delhi,

Friday, May 12, 2023

What Are Colorectal Diseases? Colorectal surgeon in Delhi

Colorectal Surgeries

What Are Colorectal Diseases?

Colon and rectum combine to form the bowel. The purpose of the bowel is to eliminate the waste material after digestion. There are several conditions that affect the functioning of colon and rectum. If the disease is confined to colon, the condition is known as colon disease. Disease confined only to rectum is known as rectal disease. However, some diseases affect both the colon and the rectum. Such diseases are termed as colorectal diseases. Some of the examples of colorectal diseases include colorectal cancer, colon polyps, Ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease. The patients with colorectal diseases experience several symptoms. These are abdominal pain, blood in the stool, rectal bleeding, and prolong constipation and diarrhea.

Colorectal Surgery In Delhi

What Are The Causes Of Colorectal Diseases?

There are several causes of colorectal diseases. Some of them are:

  • Age: Although colorectal disease may occur at any age; however people above the age of 50 years are at increased risk for developing colorectal diseases.
  • Family history: Various colorectal diseases run in families. Examples of such diseases are colon polyps, and colon cancer.
  • Inactive lifestyle: The risk of colorectal diseases increases with sedentary and inactive lifestyle. Such people have poor bowel movement. Thus, the waste material remains in the colon for prolong period and causes diseases.
  • Smoking and intake of alcohol: Smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol increases the risk of colon polyps and colon cancer.
  • Genetic mutations: Mutations in the genes may results in the development of colon polyps. Such polyps have high risk of progressing to colon cancer.
  • Obesity: People who are obese and overweight have the increased tendency of excessive cellular growth in the colon. This may result in colorectal diseases.

When The Doctor Recommend Colorectal Surgeries?

There are several conditions when the doctor recommend colorectal surgeries. Some of the conditions are:

  • Hemorrhoids: Patients suffering from hemorrhoids have swollen veins either inside or outside the rectum. The doctor may recommend hemorrhoidectomy (removal of hemorrhoids) when non-invasive methods are not useful.
  • Colon and rectal cancer: The doctor recommend the patient to undergo surgery in case of colon and rectal cancer. During the surgery, the doctor may remove one (sigmoidectomy) or multiple (Abdominoperineal resection) organs.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease: In advanced inflammatory bowel disease, when there is a damage of the lining of the gastrointestinal tract due to chronic inflammation, the doctor may recommend surgery. The patient may undergo colectomy in case the inflammation is confined to colon. However, if there is also a damage to rectum due to inflammation, the doctor may perform proctocolectomy.
  • Other diseases: Other disease that requires surgical interventions includes Cecal volvulus, Diverticular disease, Ischemic colitis, Precancerous condition of colon, and Colon Trauma.

What Are The Various Types Of Colorectal Surgeries Available In Delhi?

Almost all the colorectal cancer are available at various hospitals in Delhi. You should consult with the best Following are some of the colorectal surgeries available in Delhi:

  • Right hemicolectomy: The procedure for removing the colon from one side is known as hemicolectomy. During the right hemicolectomy, the doctor removes the right side of the colon and joins the remaining part of the colon with small intestine. The doctor performs this procedure in case of colon cancer or severe damage to the colon. If the patient is suffering from severe appendicitis that has affected the colon, the doctor may also remove the colon along with the appendix.
  • Left hemicolectomy: During the left hemicolectomy, the surgeon removes the left cancerous or damaged part of the colon and joins the remaining part. The doctor may also remove the surrounding lymph nodes if the cancer has been suspected to invade the lymph nodes. The surgery takes around two to four hours. However, it may take longer if you have any underlying medical complications.
  • Sigmoidectomy: Sigmoid section is the terminal part of the colon nearest to the rectum and anus. Procedure to remove this part of the colon is known as sigmoidectomy. Doctor may perform this procedure in several diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease. The doctor removes the damaged part of the sigmoid section and rejoins the healthy part of the colon to the rectum.
  • Low anterior resection: The doctor performs the lower anterior resection surgery to treat the rectal cancer. During this surgery, the doctor removes the cancerous part of the rectum and joints the healthier rectum with the colon. During the open surgery, your doctor makes one long incision on your abdomen to gain access to the rectum and remove the cancerous part of rectum.
  • Abdominoperineal resection: This is a major surgery during which the doctor removes the rectum, anus, and sigmoid colon. The doctor performs this procedure in case of cancer that spread to these organs. The doctor creates the stoma after the surgery. After few days your digestive system becomes active again.

How to Prepare For Colorectal Surgeries?

The preparation for the surgeries depends upon the type of colorectal surgery. You should follow all the instructions of your doctor before surgery. The doctor may perform comprehensive evaluation prior to surgery and your vital parameters are analyzed. Inform the doctor about the medicines you are taking. The doctor instructs you not to eat or drink 12 hours prior to surgery.

How Is The Recovery After Colorectal Surgeries?

Once the surgery is completed, you will be shifted to the ICU for monitoring. Once your vitals are stable, you will be shifted to the general ward. The doctors may allow you to drink fluid 24 hours after the surgery. The catheter is removed two-three days after the surgery. The doctors may encourage you to walk next day after surgery. You may discharge from the hospital within four to five days after the surgery. The doctor may call you for the follow-up fifteen days after the discharge.

What Are The Complications Of Colorectal Surgeries?

Colorectal surgery is a major surgery. You may have complications during or after the surgery. Some of the complications include infection, bleeding, loss of muscle function in the colon, and leakage from the connected colon.

How Do I Get More Information About The Colorectal Surgery?

To get more information about the diseases or the surgical procedure, we request you to Contact us.

Call Now: +91-9599294453, +91-9599294453

You can also search for:
HIPEC Surgeon in Delhi,
Gastrointestinal Cancer surgery in Delhi,
Colorectal Surgery in Delhi,
Laparoscopic Esophageal Surgery in Delhi,
Laparoscopic Pancreatic Surgery in Delhi,
Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery in Delhi,
Laparoscopic Hepatobiliary Surgery in Delhi,
GI Surgeon in Delhi,
Stomach cancer treatment in Delhi,
Gallbladder stone Surgery in Delhi,
Robotic surgery in Delhi,
Esophagus Surgery in Delhi,
Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal Surgery in Delhi,
Colorectal surgeon in Delhi,
Pancreatic treatment in Delhi,
Cancer surgeon in Delhi,
Esophagus Surgeon in Delhi,
Robotic Surgeon in Delhi,
HIPEC Surgery in Delhi,
Laparoscopic Hepatobiliary Surgeon in Delhi,
Stomach Cancer Surgeon in Delhi,
Gallbladder stone Treatment in Delhi,
Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in Delhi,
Pancreatic Surgery  in Delhi
Gastrointestinal Cancer Doctor in Delhi,

Monday, May 8, 2023

Cancer surgeon in Delhi

Cancer surgeon in Delhi

Dr. Neeraj Goel

Professional Qualifications

He is the first GI Surgeon In East Delhi & adjoining NCR to start full-fledged GI Surgical Services

Minimal Access HPB Surgery

Robotic Surgery

Advanced Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery: Taiwan

Weight loss Central at University of Cincinnati — Ohio USA

GB Pant Hospital — Delhi

Rajiv Gandhi cancer institute & Research Center — Delhi

Awards & Honors